
Helps to Relieve you from any body pain, improve blood circulation to affected body parts, relieving joint and muscle pain
* Efficient Penetration
* Pure Plant Extract
* Skin- Friendly Material


This pain-relieving patch contains highly potent herbal extracts of valued herbs. It is a convenient, economical, and effective way to get relief from lower back pain, joint pain, and muscle aches. This pain relief patch is a non-addictive and natural alternative to taking medication. It can be applied directly to the skin and can help with joint pain, sciatica, muscle soreness, and inflammation.

These days, it’s easier than ever to feel pain in your back, shoulders, neck, or waist. Whether you’re sitting in traffic for hours on end every day, slouched over a desk for most of the day at work, or still doing so at home with work or personal projects; pain is bound to happen eventually. Generally, it can be hard sometimes to find the time or money, or motivation to take care of your body, but using these simple patches will help you feel better, get more done and ease back pain.

These can effectively improve blood circulation to troubled areas, relieving you of pain. As a matter of fact, it has effects on many health-related problems. These patches work by releasing lidocaine which blocks pain signals to the brain and can be used on many different types of body parts. It’s possible to use these patches without swallowing any pills or other medicines, which (in some cases) can help avoid side effects

Key Features

High proficient painkiller
Quick effect, long-time action
Good biocompatibility
Does not contain allergy or skin irritation
Additionally, suitable adhesion, paste to skin tight, won’t stick body hair
Good air permeability
Excellent water permeability avoids skin soakage in long-term use.


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