
Norland Healthway Capsule (Hypoglycemic Capsule) is a naturally formulated capsule to help your body recover from diabetes, especially while your body works to gain proper insulin reactions.
Key Benefits:
  • Varieties of herbs Extract that prevent chemical liver damage.
  • It strengthens detoxification function of the liver.
  • Activates and energizes the pancreas of the liver for better metabolism.
  • Prevents Diabetes and other related metabolic diseases.
  • Helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Promote tissue regeneration (anti-infective) and other functions.
  • They help to replace vital nutrients that have been lost through excessive urination.


Norland Healthway Capsule formerly known as Hypoglycemic Capsule is a natural remedy manufactured by Norland for the treatment and cure of diabetes, high sugar level and other sugar-related ailments.


It is used to normalise Blood Sugar Level.

It is used to reverse Diabetes.

It is used to boost the secretion of Insulin by the Pancreas.


It regulates/stabilizes blood sugar levels (High & Low). It also prevents complications.

It restores the function ofthe Pancreas to secret Insulin.

It reverses Type 2 Diabetes in about 90 days, or more and normalizes patient’s sugar levels, depending on how long the ailment has been on.

Some patients testified that as treatment progressed, diabetic symptoms such as exhaustion, painful tingling neuropathy, e.t.c. gradually disappeared.

Some patients also testified that they received fewer insulin injections and after treatment they stopped taking insulin injections. They were happy they could resume eating their favourite foods.


It contains; Gelatin, Titanium Dioxide, Ginseng Extract, Selenium Yeast, Beeswax, Soybean Lecithin

Norland Healthway Capsule is super effective in handling diabetes and high blood sugar. However, for faster results, it is recommended you combine it with GI VITAL SOFTGEL.


Take 1 Capsule Daily.


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