

LUCKLIFE Oral Liquid is the pride of the most modern technologies of traditional Chinese medicine. To produce the diet called “elixir” of Chinese Cordyceps Sinensis, harvested in China from the Tibetan Highlands, is used. The composition of the preparations also includes other higher mushrooms: Linchzhi (Reishi-Pilz-Ganoderma Lucidum), aromatic mushroom (Shiitake Lentinus Edodes) and other components. ​ The method of application of the liquid form the “Elixir” ​ liquid. Preparations should be taken in the morning immediately after waking up (from 6 to 9 hours). It is recommended to rinse the mouth, remove the tongue plaque and drink half a glass of water before use. Then the recommended dose should be taken. The straw can be used or to obtain a better dose measurement. The opened vial should be stored in a cool, dark place. Breakfast can be taken about half to an hour after. If several drugs containing cordyceps are applied simultaneously, they should be taken before lunch. ​​

Dosage in prevention use: ​

Adults can take up to 5 ml per day for one or two months. It is also recommended to use this preparation for the season (in spring and autumn, that is, in the period of flu). Children should take small boxes according to their age


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